How Co-Pilot can help save your law firm thousands of hours in lost productivity

There are several scenarios where Co-Pilot can prove incredibly useful for legal use-cases

When Co-Pilot hit the market earlier this year – it was initially targeted at coders and software engineers. But as the weeks passed, it became quite clear Co-Pilot’s capabilities could be extended beyond traditional programming into any domain where language is a critical tool – like law and the legal sector.

As with programming and coding where bugs and errors are as complex as the ambiguities found in legal text and legal documents, Co-Pilot can be quickly trained to spot anomalies, inconsistencies, and errors in legal texts.

In this article we will explore all the different ways you can use Co-Pilot to solve your business challenges.

Contract Generation and Analysis

Deploy Co-Pilot to quickly generate a number of different contracts and variations that are tailored to meet specific scenarios. This is extremely helpful for law firms who develop fast-moving and rapidly evolving contracts for products and/or services.

Close scrutiny and analysis of contracts is another useful capability Co-Pilot offers where it goes beyond simply highlighting errors, instead providing recommendations and points of improvement as well as benchmarking against best-practice contracts, doing so dynamically and in an automated fashion.

How about document review and due diligence?

This is an area where Co-Pilot absolutely excels in. From enhanced precision in document sifting, potentially saving your more junior associates thousands of hours per year in productivity to flagging outliers in the client due diligence process and highlighting and alerting you to potential areas of concern and risk based on what it knows of past history. Where it spots gaps in documentation, Co-Pilot deploys its quite impressive predictive text capabilities to fill in the gaps.

Risk management and appropriately assessing your risk exposure can be time consuming. Co-Pilot can be trained to alert you to the presence of risk, cross-referencing with internal and known industry standard databases to draw out where your business is exposed to potential legal challenge.

We know legal research is a critical activity and reliance on high-quality and authoritative legal documents is absolutely key.

Dealing with time-intensive legal discovery

Working through complex research tasks across multiple documents, jurisdictions and areas of the law can be quite daunting and time-consuming. Co-Pilot brings advanced natural language capabilities which means you can easily direct it to run these tasks for you, synthetise the information from multiple sources and product a snap shot of the legal issue, drawing out insights along the way.

Taking it one step further: you can use its predictive analysis capabilities to extend forecasting and modelling out varying outcomes based on specific legal strategies and approaches. A real-life example we can share from one of our clients is using Co-Pilot to sift through and analyse different legal approaches to presenting evidence and how that might have impacted outcomes for clients in the past and helping you to quickly assess the risk/reward factor of each strategy as well as the cost implications of pursing the case including the likelihood of success and failure.

Automate 75% of client interactions and queries

What if you could build something that could dynamically learn from previous interactions and touchpoints with your client, helping you rapidly respond to emails and client queries as well as building stronger relationships through consistent, accurate and immediate communication. Co-Pilot can be taught to recognise patterns from previous queries through multiple channels: emails, text messages and phone calls and respond quickly in a dynamic manner.

This can be extended further to provide clients with tailored and customised legal support –generating initial drafts of key legal documents, accelerating the pace in which you churn through your to-do-list.

Translate vast amounts of documents at speed

Machine translation technology, using more of the power of artificial intelligence, has emerged as a transformative force in the legal industry. Co-pilot can automatically translate documents at an unprecedented speed and at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional methodologies. Use it to expedite processes, improve collaboration, and reduce language barriers in a globalised legal landscape.

Transcription support

The legal industry is inherently tied to the creation and preservation of a meticulous "paper trail." Co-pilot offers invaluable support in this regard by automating legal transcriptions. From court proceedings and bodycam footage to phone calls, Co-pilots transcription services streamline the conversion of audio and video content into textual evidence essential for litigation. This not only accelerates the transcription process but also enhances accuracy, reducing the risk of errors associated with manual transcription.

Using Co-Pilot to educate and train your staff and associates

We all recognise the importance of training and self-development and improvement in the workplace. To no surprise, Co-Pilot can also play well in this space. You can use it to create training material and specialised legal scenarios for you staff and new associates to work on from trials to mock contract negotiations. As your staff and associates upskill and improve, Co-Pilot can adapt learning paths based on learning interactions, progression data and practice exam results, tailoring content to address areas of weakness. It’s ability to create personalised training environments you can use to quickly upskill your staff is simply quite simply impressive.

How do I incorporate this tool into my legal practice without compromising on the strict ethics set out in the legal profession?

Adopting Co-Pilot has the potential to bring significant and transformational benefits to your legal practice. However, its deployment requires delicate attention to ensure the human factor and touch isn’t lost. You will need to carefully think about how you approach this internally and what kind of legal education and training you need to provide to teach your staff and associates how to effectively use AI tools in the legal profession. The implications of getting this wrong can be catastrophic. From handling customer sensitive data to how you enable Co-Pilot to securely access, store, and process critical client data.

The potential of Co-Pilot in the legal profession is staggering. Its promise to streamline and drive efficiencies in historically slow and cumbersome processes will open up new avenues of growth for your business. However, the complexities it will introduce cannot be ignored. You will need to carefully think about how to address the numerous challenges around legal, ethics, and data protection and this will need to be done with extreme care and foresight.

We can help you start answering some of these questions - just reach out for a free consultation on how to best use Co-Pilot to transform your law firm.

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